Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fucking Bitches, Man

So I had this job this Summer, one that I have written about previously. It was, shall I say, less than delightful. It was however, tolerable, so there's that. Anyhoo! The way we worked it out was (and I saved all the emails, so I know what I'm talking about), I was going to work X weeks, and then after "they" got back from vacay they would see if I was free, and I might work again the week before school started.

In the in-between time my mom was diagnosed with a ginormous tumor and had to have major surgery and be admitted to the hospital. And you know how tight Mama T and I are.

I get an email today from Boss Lady, and this is exactly what it says:

"we had a great vacation! i dont think we had set up specific times for babysitting this week."

First of all, I didn't ask about your vacation. I don't really give a shit. Secondly, we didn't set up times because I DON'T WORK FOR YOU ANYMORE.

I write back to say that I can't work because my mom just had a foot of intestines and a potato sized tumor removed from her body and I need to watch Mad Men with her on the couch and make Starbucks runs. (That's not a direct quote, I just said that my mom had surgery). She responds with a bitchy note that basically implies that I'm flaking on her because my "mom" has a "cold" and that now she's going to have me deported. Yes, this is the Servant Keeper Woman.

Anyway, my mom is going to be okay, thanks for asking. And yeah, I have been dealing with shit way outside of my orb of minimal-maturity and still holding it together, which is amazing considering my mom and I like, invented that whole Gilmore Girls idea of mommy-daughter bonding. THANKS FOR THINKING ABOUT SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF.

Love, Sarah

PS: the image used in this post is from some stranger's blog post called, "Sarah is kind of a bitch." LOLZ!

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